Source code for pygmt

PyGMT is a library for processing geospatial and geophysical data and making
publication quality maps and figures. It provides a Pythonic interface for the
Generic Mapping Tools (GMT), a command-line program widely used in the Earth

Main Features
Here are just a few of the things that PyGMT does well:
  - Easy handling of all kinds of geospatial data including gridded and
    raster data.
  - Allows plotting of a large spectrum of objects on maps including lines,
    vectors, polygons, and symbols (pre-defined and customized)

import atexit as _atexit

from pkg_resources import get_distribution

# Import modules to make the high-level GMT Python API
from pygmt import datasets
from pygmt.figure import Figure
from pygmt.modules import GMTDataArrayAccessor, config
from pygmt.session_management import begin as _begin
from pygmt.session_management import end as _end
from pygmt.src import (

# Get semantic version through setuptools-scm
__version__ = f'v{get_distribution("pygmt").version}'  # e.g. v0.1.2.dev3+g0ab3cd78
__commit__ = __version__.split("+g")[-1]  # 0ab3cd78

# Start our global modern mode session
# Tell Python to run _end when shutting down

[docs]def show_versions(): """ Prints various dependency versions useful when submitting bug reports. This includes information about: - PyGMT itself - System information (Python version, Operating System) - Core dependency versions (Numpy, Pandas, Xarray, etc) - GMT library information """ import importlib import platform import subprocess import sys def _get_module_version(modname): """ Get version information of a Python module. """ try: if modname in sys.modules: module = sys.modules[modname] else: module = importlib.import_module(modname) try: return module.__version__ except AttributeError: return module.version except ImportError: return None def _get_ghostscript_version(): """ Get ghostscript version. """ os_name = sys.platform if os_name.startswith(("linux", "freebsd", "darwin")): cmds = ["gs"] elif os_name == "win32": cmds = ["gswin64c.exe", "gswin32c.exe"] else: return None for gs_cmd in cmds: try: version = subprocess.check_output( [gs_cmd, "--version"], universal_newlines=True ).strip() return version except FileNotFoundError: continue return None def _get_gmt_version(): """ Get GMT version. """ try: version = subprocess.check_output( ["gmt", "--version"], universal_newlines=True ).strip() return version except FileNotFoundError: return None sys_info = { "python": sys.version.replace("\n", " "), "executable": sys.executable, "machine": platform.platform(), } deps = ["numpy", "pandas", "xarray", "netCDF4", "packaging"] print("PyGMT information:") print(f" version: {__version__}") print("System information:") for key, val in sys_info.items(): print(f" {key}: {val}") print("Dependency information:") for modname in deps: print(f" {modname}: {_get_module_version(modname)}") print(f" ghostscript: {_get_ghostscript_version()}") print(f" gmt: {_get_gmt_version()}") print_clib_info()
[docs]def test(doctest=True, verbose=True, coverage=False, figures=True): """ Run the test suite. Uses `pytest <>`__ to discover and run the tests. If you haven't already, you can install it with `conda <>`__ or `pip <>`__. Parameters ---------- doctest : bool If ``True``, will run the doctests as well (code examples that start with a ``>>>`` in the docs). verbose : bool If ``True``, will print extra information during the test run. coverage : bool If ``True``, will run test coverage analysis on the code as well. Requires ``pytest-cov``. figures : bool If ``True``, will test generated figures against saved baseline figures. Requires ``pytest-mpl`` and ``matplotlib``. Raises ------ AssertionError If pytest returns a non-zero error code indicating that some tests have failed. """ import pytest show_versions() package = __name__ args = [] if verbose: args.append("-vv") if coverage: args.append("--cov={}".format(package)) args.append("--cov-report=term-missing") if doctest: args.append("--doctest-modules") if figures: args.append("--mpl") args.append("--pyargs") args.append(package) status = pytest.main(args) assert status == 0, "Some tests have failed."